PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

A Left-Handed Observation

Ehud, the left-handed Judge, has a colorful, gory, and heroic narrative (Judges 3:12-30). He was a Benjaminite. Seven hundred soldiers in Benjamin were left-handed (Judges 20:16). When David fled Absalom, some of Saul’s relatives from Benjamin followed; they were ambidextrous archers, meaning they could shoot either right or left-handed (1 Chronicles 12:2). There are only 3 references in the Bible of people being left-handed; and every time they are from the tribe of Benjamin. Why are we told this?
While this left-handed dominance is interesting from a genetic perspective, I’m not a scientist. But I love words. 
The name Benjamin literally means, “son of my right hand.” The term “left-handed” in Judges 3:15 and 20:16 literally means, “restricted of right hand.” So, the left-handed men are descended from the son of Jacob’s right hand. The Holy Spirit reveals that colorful irony.

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