PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Judges 13-16 – Hair and Baptism

Anyone who really thinks Samson’s strength came from his hair and not the Lord, only has to grow long hair and realize they are just as weak. And yet, as soon as his hair was cut Samson lost his strength. And yet again, as soon as his hair grew long Samson was strong again. God was behind both the weakening and strengthening of Samson, but God chose hair – and obedience – as his method of giving the grace of strength. The NT parallel is simple: salvation is not truly found in baptism anymore than strength was found in long hair. But both baptism and long hair were God’s chosen methods; and obedience in both leads to receiving a gift from God. So don’t reject baptism because someone told you salvation in found in Jesus and not in baptism. Accept baptism because the one who saves us said “He that believes and is baptized will be saved” (Mk.16:16). Because of Jesus baptism saves (1 Pet.3:21). Do we want to be like Samson and lose God’s strength because we reject God’s ways?

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