Proverbs 2-7 – My Children – Time Well Spent
Yesterday was not a good day. Exhausted from a gospel meeting the previous week, I slept late that morning. Then working late to make up for the lost time, I didn’t get home until after 8:00 PM. My two daughters had left for a Bible Study and sleep over. Didn’t get to see them all day. My two sons gave me a hug and went back to playing – they had already eaten, so I sat down to eat supper with my wife.
Yesterday was not a good day, even though I got a lot of good work done. Still, it wasn’t a good day. Today I got reminded of that by reading Proverbs. That is one of the wonders from the word – how it can gently chastise us. Proverbs 2-7 all begin with the phrase, “My son” except for chapter 4 which reads, “sons.” These chapters are all filled with a father simply talking to his son about life, decisions, and what makes for good days, bad days, and a good life. In fact, have we ever noticed how simply talking with our children makes for a good day?
Let’s all calculate in our own mind how long we actually spent with our children yesterday. And I don’t mean sitting in front of a TV or watching a movie. I mean talking, playing, walking, doing something that truly requires our presence. Did we have a good day? Did we have a bad day? While we all have bad days from time to time – after all we do have responsibilities – the goal is to have more good days than bad. Or else we will wake up one day to discover that yesteryear was not a good life.