PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Proverbs 31 – A High Value Man is a Worthy Man

A High Value Man Is A Worthy Man
A term used within our modern culture to describe men and women is “high value”. Sadly, “high value” is not God’s value. A “high value” man is judged based upon income, height, looks and other “biblically low values”. Also, a “high value” woman can look very little like a “worthy woman”.
Many have heard Proverbs 31:10-31 used to describe a godly woman at a wedding or funeral (Hmmm, funny how a wedding and funeral are connected!). How about using this same passage to help men be worthy.of a worthy woman!
Vv.10-31 – Willing to listen to his mother’s advice on women
• After giving advice to her son the king about being a king, the mother moves to advice of a more personal matter – marriage. This is a mother’s description of a worthy woman.
• We don’t live in a culture of arranged marriages, but such cultures have a lower divorce rate. Marriage is often based upon the wisdom of parents.
• Parents should train their children on how to choose a spouse.
V.10 – Be Careful
• “A Worthy Woman, who can find?” If a woman worth marrying is hard to find, then shouldn’t a man be careful who he dates? Dating an unworthy woman leads to unworthy love and produces unworthy marriages. Worthy men are selective.
V.11 – Trusts his wife
• Trust is essential in relationships and it includes a willingness to trust. Men who are always suspicious are weak men and turn their trusting wives into miserable women.
V.23 – Wise in his own right
• While every man needs to listen to wisdom, every man needs to grow into being wise himself instead of only relying upon others. What woman would respect a man who couldn’t make a decision?
V.23 – Respected by others
• If others don’t respect the man, then the prospective wife is asking for trouble!
Vv.28-31 – Praises the worthy wife
• The specifics follow but there are many ways a wife needs to hear her man’s praise. It makes her secure and security is a woman’s primary need as respect is the man’s.
V.30 – Knows true value is spiritual and not physical
• Neither men nor women can keep their looks with age, but their character can become even more beautiful. Plus, “beauty only” might be unfaithful but “character and beauty” remains faithful.
V.31 – Praises wife in public
• Women need this as much as private praise. Plus public praise for the wife makes the man off-limits in the minds of other women!
V.31 – Calls on others to praise his wife
• A good man builds his wife up by encouraging others to build her up. Life is made fuller when people encourage one another instead of viewing others as competition.
Want a worthy marriage? Before looking for a worthy woman, be a worthy man.

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