PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Cheap Faith vs Leaping Faith

Which describes you?
“Cheap faith” (adapting Bonhoeffer’s “cheap grace”) can be described as a faith that doesn’t work, makes God our Happy Meal Chef, and is more concerned with self than serving. Cheap faith is all about how God loves “me” because of “me”. Just sit back in a recliner while God waits on you…oh, and also the church is here to do your bidding, after all “God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten church, that whoever serves me shall be saved” (not John 3:16).
“Leaping faith” (adapting Kierkegaard’s “leap of faith”) warns you that there is a chasm you have to jump over; but you can’t see how wide it is, or how deep it is. That chasm is both life and death, in more ways than one. All you “know” is that Jesus says, “I’ve already done this. I’ve got you. But before you jump, grab someone’s hand to help them because they are more afraid than you. Do you trust me? Now jump!”
The last faith can become the first in the middle of leaping…or walking. Go read Matthew 14:22-33, and learn Jesus can save us still, even in the middle of drowning in our doubts and fears, as we sense the strength of the winds and take our eyes off Jesus.
That describes all of us!

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