PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Four Phrases Satan Uses

Four phrases that often reveal the subtle ways Satan tempts us:

1. “Show me in the Bible where it says I have to!”

• Is this Satan tempting us to live to the bare minimum of what is right?

• Is this Satan tempting us to be justified by law and not faith?

2. “Show me in the Bible where it says I can’t!”

• Is this Satan tempting is to live by our “want to’s” and not God’s revealed will?

• Is this Satan tempting us to turn God’s will into a nagging parent instead of a loving Father?

3. “I’m not sure I should or not”.

• Is this Satan tempting us to talk ourselves into sinning?

• Is this Satan tempting us to be ruled by personal doubt and not God’s certainty?

4. “I have plenty of time”.

• Is this Satan tempting us to continue in sin?

• Is this Satan tempting us to not come back because of current goals?

What phrases could you add?

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