PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Genesis – You Are No Longer In Eden

Eden begins Genesis and Genesis ends with Egypt. These two geographical areas are thematically connected because Genesis ends in ways opposite of how it begins. These operate narratively as bookends:
• Beginning – From emptiness to blessings in 7 days.
• Ending – From 7 years blessings to 7 years famine (emptiness).
• Beginning – The sun, moon, and stars rule over the people literally (Genesis 1).
• Ending – People (Joseph’s family) become the sun, moon, and stars figuratively (Genesis 37).
• Beginning – Life and the creation of Adam.
• Ending – Death and mumification of Joseph.
• Beginning – Adam and Eve placed inside Eden and then expelled.
• Ending – Jacob’s family outside of Egypt and then placed inside Egypt.
• Beginning – East of Eden Cain kills his brother.
• Ending – East of Egypt Joseph saves his brothers.
Egypt has a complicated history within both the NT and OT. Sometimes it is a place of slavery. Other times a place life. In Genesis, it is the Spirit’s structural way of reminding people, “You are no longer in Eden”.
Then comes Exodus and “You are no longer in Egypt but heading to a new Eden”!

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