PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

God is Unfair Because He is Merciful

Is God fair? To answer that question, we must define “fair”: 1) free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism; 2) conforming with the established rules.

Let’s apply those two definitions to God.

  • He does not play favorites (Romans 2:11), excepting anyone who is willing to come to Him. God treats people right when they repent and do good (Romans 2:6-7) (definition #1).
  • God does have a rulebook, and according to those rules we all deserve condemnation. Those refusing compliance through repentance, He will treat fairly, giving them a just and proper trial (Romans 2:1-3,5,8,9). God treats these people right also (definition #1).
  • Through Jesus, God can change the verdict from guilty to innocent (Romans 5:1). He has this divine right (definition #2).

When people complain that God is not fair, which of the two definitions do they use? Neither. They add a third definition. What they mean by God not being fair is they don’t like what God does or allows. They might even add to their complaint, “God, I deserve better than this!” Think hard on this one point…Do we really want God to give us what we deserve? I need a God who will accept the Prodigal Son back even when so-called brothers call God out for being unfair (Luke 15:29-30). I need a God who is willing to accept those who have nothing to offer except the willingness to come, even when those more qualified call God out for being unfair (Matthew 20:12). Mercy and Grace are “unfair” when looking at the rule book. I need a God who is “unfair”!

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