PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

How to Keep Our Children Safe

How do we keep our children from leaving faithful churches to go to those not following the faith?

How do we help our children follow after faithful saints regardless of age, instead of leaving to follow after their friends?

This is an anecdotal tale.

From 6th grade to 12th grade, I worshiped with a small congregation with my entire family. That’s the first key. Families that worship together have a greater hope of staying together spiritually. Prepare for this before you have children by remembering you are not only marrying a spouse, you are marrying a parent to your future children. Will that spouse/parent help keep your future children safe?

When we moved to Roanoke, our family traveled around 45 minutes to another town to worship with a group of around 15 people, in a trailer, in the middle of a farm field. Every Sunday and Wednesday. I don’t remember any Bible classes for my age. Church wasn’t about my needs being met because I had those spiritual needs met at home.

Then the congregation bought a small house in our town which was converted. I now sat in class with one other student, a friend I still have today. We were around 25 in number.

At our largest, we were able to build a new building. Average attendance was around 40. Sometimes there were 3-4 people in my class.

I never considered going somewhere else. The reason is simple. I believed what my parents taught me. I believed what the preachers and teachers taught me. Caveat – I’m not suggesting believing without thinking.

I seriously doubt anyone taught perfectly. But the secret to keeping our children safe is to help them believe by teaching them, constantly teaching them, and that includes teaching them how to think for themselves in accordance with God’s word and authority.

Church wasn’t about going where it was convenient, fun, or socially engaging with friends. Church was about being part of what I believed God wanted me to believe. That’s the secret.

2 Corinthians 4:13 (CSB) And since we have the same spirit of faith in keeping with what is written, I believed, therefore I spoke, we also believe, and therefore speak.

About The Author


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