PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Illustration – Railroad Noises and Sin

The story is told of a family who lived close to a railroad track, where trains passed hourly with their ringing bells, clacking wheels and shrieking whistles.  Visitors would often ask, “how can you sleep at night with all of that noise?”  They often explained that when they first moved there, they could hardly get a good night’s sleep because they were disturbed by every little noise.  “But now,” they said, “we have become accustomed to the noise and it doesn’t bother us at all.”

Brethren, have you or I become accustomed to sin to where it doesn’t bother us?  Sin has been “sugar-coated” and “whitewashed” for too long.  We need to call it what it is.  We need to quit talking about “alternative life styles” and condemn the sin of homosexuality.  We need to quit excusing fornication just because one has turned forty and going through a “mid-life crisis;” or because the young couple “were in the heat of passion.”  We need to quit trying to catalog everything as a “sickness” and recognize ordinary, old-fashioned sinners when we see them.  All who sin are sinners! (Bob Buchanon, Florida College Lectures, 1997)

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