PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Is Patriarchy a Nasty Word?

“Patriarchy” is a nasty word today. Here is how I define it, and why I think it is important and essential to a healthy environment: “Patriarchy is a system where men are in positions of headship and authority for the protection of women and children, but with the necessary help of both, especially from wives and mothers.”
An objection is, “What if we don’t want protection? What if we don’t need protection? Isn’t it misogynistic to assume women need protection?”
• First, men are biologically designed as protectors. In general males are bigger and stronger. This size and strength dynamic is why mothers are such fierce protectors of their children, the offspring are smaller and weaker.
• Second, men are emotionally designed to need to be protectors. Men will ridicule other men for being cowardly. Our task as men is to let maturity form our ego to protect others and not to act stupidly.
• Third, women are emotionally designed to need to be protected. How many women would respect a man who hid behind them when a dog charges at them? How many women would look at the male as “a man”?!
• Fourth, men themselves need protection often from themselves. This is an asset of a loving woman.
Sadly however, most men in the Bible failed at being the proper patriarch, whether as husbands, fathers, or social leaders. Jesus came and established what a true patriarch is by how He acts.

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