PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Come Join Our Unity Movement

Come Join Our Unity Movement

The “Christian” religious world is divided. The “Christian” religious world is united. No, that is not a contradiction, but rather a contradistinction. There is no denying that churches across the spiritual spectrum disagree on a host of important, indispensable and defining issues. Yet if we truly want to fulfill Jesus’ prayer of unity (Jn.17), I know where we can start – where we agree. Sound simple? Sound too simple? Sound radical? Sound radical enough, yet simple enough, to work? In fact, if you visit our congregation you will discover that you agree with us on most everything we do! Does that sound bold? If I can prove my claim, would you be willing to consider joining “Our Unity Movement?”

So where do we all agree?

The Name Christian

Is it scriptural to call ourselves “Christians?” Of course! That’s what we call ourselves at this congregation. If you believe in Jesus, do you mind people calling you a Christian? Absolutely not! Everyone can wear that name proudly (1 Pet.4:16). That is a name we can all agree to wear.

However, if you are Catholic, do you want to be called a Baptist, or vice-versa? No. Yet amazingly simple is that we can all agree on Biblical names: Christian, Believer, Disciple, etc. If we all called ourselves by names that God inspired, would that be scriptural?

Are you willing to agree to do what you agree is scriptural?  If so…

Come join our unity movement and be called a Christian!


Every first day of the week our congregation celebrates and commemorates our Savior in His Supper (Acts 20:7). Every Sunday we eat unleavened bread and drink fruit of the vine (1 Cor.11:23-25). Do you know of any religious group that would think this action unscriptural? No. Again, this is something in which we can all agree – in which we all already agree.

However, other practices, such as a daily Mass, or quarterly observance, or Saturday night observances are practices that bring disagreement and division.

Plus, substituting other items for the unleavened bread and fruit of the vine is something else that the religious world cannot agree is scriptural. Again, this leads to disagreement and division.

However, all agree that taking the Lord’s Supper on the first day of the week, every first day of the week, using the same emblems that Jesus Himself used – unleavened bread and fruit of the vine – is scriptural.

Are you willing to agree to do what you agree is scriptural?  If so…

Come join our unity movement and weekly celebrate Christ!


Is baptism immersion, sprinkling or pouring? Which is the scriptural? Again history says that the early church only practiced immersion:

  • “Baptism was…by an immersion of the whole body in the baptismal font.” (MOSHEIM’S CHURCH HISTORY, vol.1, p.46).
  • “It is evident that the term baptize means to immerse, and that this was the form used by the primitive Church” (John Calvin, INSTITUTES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION, Book IV, Ch.15, para.19, p.524).

Even all the Greek dictionaries agree that baptism (baptizo) means immersion. If you are blessed enough to witness us baptize someone into Christ (Gal.3:27), you will see them immersed. The religious world is divided on whether or not sprinkling and pouring are scriptural. Yet every church agrees that immersion is scriptural. I have never met anyone who denied immersion is scriptural.

Are you willing to agree to do what you agree is scriptural?  If so…

Come join our unity movement and practice immersion.

Acapella Singing

Walk into our services and you will hear and can participate in “acapella music,” where the only instruments being used are God-made – our hearts, souls, minds, and bodies. Did you know that is something all “Christians” already agree on? All agree that singing is scriptural (Eph.5:19; Col.3:16). Have you ever heard someone say that singing is unscriptural?

Listening to denominational diatribes nowadays concerning music, one hears controversy and sees division: Traditional or Contemporary? That question is dividing churches totally, or dividing churches into offering different types of assemblies.

That question is nothing new (Eccles.1:9). Arguments concerning styles of music are ancient. Erasmus, born in the 15th century, dealt with the same question:

“We have brought into our churches certain operatic and theatrical music; such a confused, disorderly chattering of some words as I hardly think was ever in any of the Grecian or Roman theatres. The church rings with the noise of trumpets, pipes, and dulcimers; and human voices strive to bear their part with them. Men run to church as to a theatre, to have their ears tickled. And for this end organ makers are hired with great salaries, and a company of boys, who waste all their time learning these whining tones.” (Erasmus, Commentary on I Cor. 14:19)

Four hundred years ago…and yet just like today.

When Christians worshiped 2000 years ago, in the days of Peter, Paul, and John, all Christians were united in singing. In fact, historically speaking, instrumental music did not start being used until six hundred years later and even then it caused controversy (Chambers Encyclopedia, Vol. 7, p. 112).

For hundreds of years, Christians sang. Even two thousand years later we all can agree that praising God with only our voices is scriptural.

Are you willing to agree to do what you agree is scriptural?  If so…

Come join our unity movement and sing!

We could go on and point out many other areas. People are not divided so much by what is in the Bible – we can agree on that. People are divided by what is not in the Bible. Let us put aside what we cannot agree on and practice that which we all agree is scriptural. Simple, and maybe be just radical enough to work. Do you think Jesus would be pleased?

Are you willing to agree to do what you agree is scriptural?  If so…

Come join our unity movement!

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