PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Poem – I Pray A Prayer that Makes Me Ill

I pray a prayer that makes me ill;

It hurts to pray for those loved most.

Not praise, nor thanks, but needed still;

For hurt from Heaven’s Holy Host.

Strangely, grief leads to Christ’s glories;

God’s lifted high when we are low.

Breaking stubborn backs, bending  knees;

Accepting, nowhere else to go.

This is the prayer that’s hard to pray;

And harder to mean than to say:

“God, whatever situation;”

“Put my dear ones where they need be;”

“Whether blessing or pain filled cauldron;”

“So to You they please finally.”

I pray this prayer that makes me ill;

Hurting deep down while on my knees.

“God break me” of my stubborn will;

You alone I desire to please.

About The Author


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