Poem – A Shaming Grace
A shaming grace, how crude the sound; Compares a wretch like he.
He once lived wild, no doubt hellbound; Grace says equal to me?
T’was grace said his sin equals mine; “Through grace we’re all perceived.”
Though my sin compares so benign; Equal ‘cause he believed?
Through God’s sermons, the gospel dares; Call evil sinners come.
‘Tis grace God says equally bears; “Grace, grace” ad nauseam.
The Lord has promised grace to all; I’m holy, fair you see.
By grace all sins equal? What gall! What me? A Pharisee?
If I am there ten thousand years; On earth I did here grieve.
Not his sin did equal mine here; I, his, shamed I believed.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound; That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found; Was blind, but now I see.