PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Praying 1 Thessalonians 5:11 – Defense Mechanisms

TEXT: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.” (CSB’17 1 Thessalonians 5:11)
DEVOTIONAL: Chameleons amaze me with their ability to change color to fit their environment. Turtles are the opposite in that they carry their never changing environment with them in their shells. What turtles and chameleons have in common is both use these features as defense mechanisms. Both are hiding. The turtle hides by bringing into the shell its head and feet. The chameleon hides in plain sight. God is amazing in how he created within His creation all kinds of different ways of self-preservation against attack.
For us believers, the “therefore” in our text refers back to verses 9-10, that Jesus died so we can live. For Christians, knowledge is a God-given defense mechanism against the worries of the world. In context, especially death.
For us believers, we aren’t alone in our knowledge. But we can forget by becoming overwhelmed. Therefore we are to encourage and build up one another. For Christians, relying on one another, each other, our “pack” to use language going back to our animal analogy, is another God-given defense mechanism against the worries of the world, even death.
Believers are not given the ability to hide from our enemies. We must face death and other enemies with knowledge and each other. Let’s use another animal analogy. Penguins instinctively (God-given) know (knowledge) to gather in a close-knit group (defense mechanism) against extreme cold (the enemy). They rotate so that the ones on the outside can be brought in to protect against long exposure (encouraging and building up one another).
God gave all His creation ways to protect against the enemy. Let’s rely on one another, reminding each other of God’s promises, like God intended by encouraging and building up, especially those closer to the enemy.
PRAYER: Oh creative Creator, we praise you for all the various ways you have created within Your creation, to protect against natural predators. We know that Satan, death, and other temptations are our enemies. Let us rely upon Your promise of life, and one another, knowing we can’t hide, but we can survive. Through the One who gives salvation and life, amen.

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