PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Slavery and Abortion

Slavery and Abortion in the USA:

  • Both slaves and “fetuses” were/are not considered “persons.”
  • Both slaves and “fetuses” were/are considered property of another: for slaves financial property; for abortion it’s the woman’s “body.”
  • Both were/are sanctioned by law.
  • Both used/use science to rationalize positions: for slavery blacks were an inferior race mentally; for abortion a fetus is not viable.
  • Both wrongly used/use the Bible for support (Gen.9:20-27; Ex.21:22-25).
  • Both were/are have Christian objectors: Abolitionists and Pro-lifers (neither personally benefit).
  • Both were/are sins (mainly in America) against the black race.
  • Both were/are exist partly due to economic greed (for slavery it was the “quality” of life of the owners; for abortion it is the about the “quality” of life the women).
  • Both were/are connected mainly to one political party.
  • One thankfully has ended, and prayerfully the other will when enough Christians stand up for the constitutional and civil rights of the unborn like they did for those same rights of slaves.

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