PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Three Reasons Suicide Fails

Here are a few reasons why suicide is never the answer:
1. Suicide cannot undo what we did in the past.
• But repentance can undo our guilt.
2. Suicide doesn’t provide a solution for the problem(s) we have.
• But understanding that God and others love us does.
3. Suicide creates a false impression that my issues are more important than me.
• But godly people are waiting, hoping, and wanting to help with any issues.
In each of these Jesus is the solution. If you are suffering from a mental illness, psychiatric experts have discovered that something more than just medication helps. In fact, coupled with (if needed), but more powerful and therapeutic than medication, is realizing mental issues often come from “unresolved issues”. Who can help give you the strength to resolve both inner and outer conflicts? Again, the answer is Jesus. What scripture would I supply for proof? Read the gospels and see Jesus, maybe for the first time, as the solution for your life.

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