PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Two Creation Birth Stories

The story, or stories, are true and familiar; one is an echo of the other.
1. Each narrative comes at the beginning (Genesis 1-2; Matthew 1-2).
2. Each is a story about a genealogy (Genesis 2:4; Matthew1:1).
3. At the beginning there is a focus on a light that was not the sun (Genesis 1:3; Matthew 2:2,7-10; Luke 2:9).
4. East is the preferred direction as it is mentioned as to where something spectacular happens (Genesis 2:8; Matthew 2:1).
5. There is gold mentioned in both accounts (Genesis 2:11-12; Matthew 2:11).
6. Along with the gold, two other precious materials are mentioned (Genesis 2:12; Matthew 2:11).
7. Sleep is an essential plot device (Genesis 2:21; Matthew 1:20,24; 2:13).
8. Most importantly there is a new human life brought about in a way never repeated (Genesis 2:7,21-22; Matthew 1:23).
9. Despite the glorious new life, the story includes death (Genesis 2:17; Matthew 2:13,16ff).
10. Finally, there is mention of a place called Cush (Genesis 2:13). Is this the same Cush located (and at times part of) Egypt (Matthew 2:14-15).
There could be further analogies not so obvious, but rather are thematic.
1. In Luke there is an emphasis on the temple in Luke 1-2. Reading Genesis 1-2 through the eyes of ANE (Ancient Near East) literature, we learn there is a temple motif. In this case the temple and palace are the same because Elohim is both God and King. Remember, an important part of palaces was the garden(s).
2. Back in Genesis 1:27, “man” is made in the image of God in the old creation narrative. This means he is something special. God is King and the created images represent Him. Jesus is Immanuel, “God with Us”. That is similar to, but different and higher than man being an image of God because Jesus is God, (although Hebrews 1 refers to Him as the perfect image or represenation).
When reading John 1:1 we are immediately drawn back to Genesis 1:1. Maybe not so immediately, but still it is there, Matthew 1-2 draws us back to Genesis 1-2. What is old is new again. Old creation gives way to new creation. God is starting once again to walk among His creation.

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