PHall | July 9, 2018
I admit it. I waste time watching miscellaneous YouTube videos. Two things are common among them all: 1. More people watch than make comments about them. 2. No matter how excellent some will give it a thumbs down. A church is sadly like this too. Does that surprise you? 1. More will sit around and […]
Category: Colossians |
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PHall | June 19, 2018
I have often wondered why God chose that peculiar sign of His covenant with Abraham and His descendants. Let me give three possible answers why. First, a covenant by definition means cutting. In biblical times these were often sealed by severing an animal, with the implication that the party who breaks the covenant will suffer […]
Category: Colossians, Genesis |
Comments Off on Genesis 17 – Why Circumcision?
PHall | January 27, 2018
Something amazing occurred this morning. Scientists can’t explain why it happened. Although our lives depended on it, most folks didn’t think twice about it. What is it? As I said, scientists don’t know why it happens but they have determined how it works. Why is a different question than How. What is it? Gravity pulled […]
Category: Colossians, Genesis |
Comments Off on Colossians 1:17 – You and Gravity
PHall | January 27, 2018
This is not about my back. When I recently saw the surgeon, it was the first time he detailed how much of my back might need fusing – from the L3 down to S2. I admit I was taken aback (!). The discography I will be undergoing is to see if there is any way […]
Category: Colossians |
Comments Off on Colossians 2 – Seeking Things Above
PHall | September 4, 2015
It is tempting to emphasize one trait of God above another such as mercy over justice, or justice over mercy. What we fail to see is by emphasizing one characteristic we neglect another or all others. When we neglect emphasizing one of God’s traits we have “denominationalized” God. Have you noticed how some denominations emphasize […]
Category: Colossians |
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PHall | August 4, 2015
The reason the Winston-Salem church of Christ does not use instrumental music in our worship to God is the same reason why we don’t build arks. Noah was told to build an ark, Christians were not. Physical Israelites were commanded to use instrumental music. Christians were not. Unlike physical Israel, Christians don’t have a physical […]
Category: Ephesians, Colossians |
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Tags: Authority, Denominationalism, Worship
PHall | September 12, 2014
“Faith, love, and hope.” That order doesn’t sound right, does it? Because of the beautiful passage on love in 1 Cor.13, we are used to “faith, hope, and love.” Paul uses that trilogy of virtues 4 times (unless you think he wrote Hebrews): 1 Cor.13:13; Col.1:4-5; 1 Thess.1:3; 5:8. Only once does he use the […]
Category: I Corinthians, Colossians, I Thessalonians |
Comments Off on 1 Thessalonians 1:3 – Faith, Love, Then Hope
PHall | June 21, 2014
Parenting Method – Been trying something with our teenagers which I think is helpful to them and therefore us. When in trouble, we take them through the process as if they were the parent, examining the evidence, so they can see the situation not from their defensive point of view but from a parent’s, from […]
Category: Ephesians, Colossians |
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Tags: Parenting
PHall | May 27, 2014
Israel is leaving bondage, but is not yet free. The enemy is pursuing. Israel leaves Egypt following a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire for night. Then this pillar divides Israel from Egypt as the Egyptians pursue. The cloud is moved from leading the Israelites to behind them, between the Egyptians […]
Category: John, II Corinthians, Colossians, Genesis, Exodus, Psalms |
Comments Off on Exodus 14 – A Newer Creation
PHall | March 30, 2014
I took my car to the mechanic and he said “I can fix your car.” I asked him, “What is the problem?” He responded, “All cars have problems, and need fixing.” Well, duh, but “What is the problem with mine? Did I cause it? Is there something I could do so as to not ruin […]
Category: Romans, I Corinthians, Galatians, Colossians |
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