PHall | October 3, 2009
Walking into this building is surprising, if not shocking, for some; not so much by what is here – pews, classrooms, songbooks – but by what is not here. Notice I didn’t say, “by what is missing.” That would imply they belonged. So what is not here? To be perfectly honest, we could make up […]
Category: I Corinthians, Hebrews |
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Tags: Article, Authority, Denominationalism, Hermeneutics, Institutionalism
PHall | October 2, 2009
The alarm clock rings…with a heavy hand you smack down the snooze alarm and catch a few more zzzz’s. The alarm clock rings again…and you again – with a mighty hand – slap the snooze control smiling as you go back to sleep…The alarm clock rings again….and again…. I LOVE THE SNOOZE ALARM! The alarm […]
Category: I Corinthians, II Corinthians, Galatians |
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PHall | October 1, 2009
Have you ever been misunderstood? Welcome to the human race! In fact, one of Hollywood’s most famous lines comes from Cool Hand Luke: “What we have here is a failure to communicate.” It seems that we humans have perfected the art of misunderstanding more so than understanding. The failure to communicate has caused wars, strained […]
Category: Luke, John, I Corinthians, I Timothy, James, Nehemiah, Hermeneutics |
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Tags: Article, Preaching
PHall | September 24, 2009
INTRODUCTION: A. Whether you are recently born again, or mature in the faith, no doubt we all have many questions concerning the Holy Spirit. B. Why is it that so many questions abound concerning this divine person? 1. Possibly because He never became flesh, like Jesus did, therefore His existence is not as tangible to […]
Category: John, Acts, Romans, I Corinthians, Galatians, II Timothy, Hebrews |
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Tags: The Holy Spirit
PHall | September 23, 2009
“After hearing his dad preach on `Justification,’ `Sanctification,’ and all the other `ations,’ a minister’s son was ready when his Bible Class School teacher asked if anybody knew what `procrastination’ meant. `I’m not sure what it means,’ he said, `but I know our church believes in it.’” (Dick Van Dyke, Faith, Hope, and Hilarity, p.115.) […]
Category: I Corinthians |
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Tags: Humor, Illustration
PHall | September 16, 2009
The Lord’s Supper: The Accounts and Proper Order[1] The purpose of this exercise is to determine whether or not the added information concerning the “passover” cup serves a dual purpose spiritually connecting the passover of old and this new supper. If this “passover” cup bridges both suppers, then we can scripturally call the Lord’s […]
Category: Matthew, Mark, Luke, I Corinthians |
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Tags: Communion
PHall | September 15, 2009
Mark 14:3-9 NASB (6) While He [i.e., Jesus] was in Bethany at the home of Simon the leper, and reclining at the table, there came a woman with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume of pure nard; and she broke the vial and poured it over His head. (4) But some were indignantly remarking […]
Category: Matthew, John, I Corinthians, Galatians, I Timothy, Hebrews, James |
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PHall | September 15, 2009
Reaching UP to God in worship is expressed as we remember how He reached down to us through the cross and resurrection. We Reach UP to God in gratitude through the Supper of Jesus. What would we think about when sharing communion? Following is one common answer, and following that is some more. “A […]
Category: I Corinthians |
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Tags: Article, Communion
PHall | September 15, 2009
One purpose of the church is to worship God. Notice how Jesus stated His purpose for coming: “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me” (John 6:38). I can’t think of a better explanation of worship. How can we better our worship? […]
Category: John, Acts, Romans, I Corinthians |
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PHall | September 15, 2009
Growing up, I believed a lot of things I have since discovered were not as factual as I once thought. Growing up I believed: Swallowing gum would stay in your stomach 7 years. Scratching a scab repeatedly would turn it cancerous. Parsley put on plates at restaurants was poisonous. My great grandmother was mute because […]
Category: I Corinthians |
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