PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Jude 1:8-9 – Be Like Mike

| November 8, 2019

“In the same way these people — relying on their dreams — defile their flesh, reject authority, and slander glorious ones. Yet when Michael the archangel was disputing with the devil in an argument about Moses’s body, he did not dare utter a slanderous condemnation against him but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”” (CSB’17 Jude […]

Jude 1:22-23 – How To Build Spiritual Muscle

| October 1, 2015

There is a segment of people who love lists; who need lists. Preachers search to make lists to form “everyone’s” favorite type of sermon: A How To. Some search so hard they fail to see the list right in front of them. So if you like lists, Jude shows us how to build spiritual muscle […]

Jude 1:10 – Living Like Animals

| September 4, 2015

When speaking of sins of the flesh, Jude speaks quite picturesque of the false teachers who turned grace into licentiousness: “What they know by instinct like unreasonable animals – they destroy themselves with these things” (Jude 1:10). They destroyed themselves by their flesh. How many lives today are ruined or hampered by sex out of […]

Jude – Chiasm

| August 13, 2015

A – Jude serves our Savior, Jesus Christ (1a) B – Beloved in God and kept for Jesus Christ (1b) C – Mercy, love, and salvation (2-3a) D – Contend for the faith (3b) E – Prophecies from the OT (4-7) F – False Teachers Described (8) G – Michael the Archangel (9) (Apocryphal Source) […]

Jude – A Sermon to Keep (Jude)

| July 16, 2015

1) We are kept by Jesus (v.1); 2) Like the angels we can lose what we’ve kept (v.6); 3) If we lose, like them we will be kept in punishment; 4) Hell is kept for false teachers and those who follow (v.13); 5) So keep yourselves in the love of Jesus (v.21); 6) Because Jesus […]

Jude 4 – Creeping in Unnoticed

| July 8, 2015

For certain persons have crept in unnoticed. How could this happen? The answer involves not only looking outwardly, but inwardly in self examination. How people look and sound affect our acceptance or rejection of them. Does he wear suits and ties? Does she sport the latest fashion? Are these newcomers speaking “our language?”  While there […]

Jude 4 – False Doctrine Leads to False Morality

| May 27, 2012

Commonly, religious people claim America needs to get back to God. They distance themselves from the morally irresponsible who distance themselves from God’s moralities. They worry as the irreligious and anti-religious wreak havoc upon our country and ethical sensibilities. Yet, ironically societal irresponsibility begins with false religion and its false doctrines unknowingly and innocently promoting […]

Jude 1:4 – Spiritual Hippies

| October 9, 2011

Some modern day “Christians” remind me of the hippies back in the 60’s and of the Gnostics of Jude 1:4. The hippies were right to emphasize love, but their application tended towards acceptance of sin and the rejection of authority. They were right to accept people different than themselves because we’re all God’s children, but wrong to […]

Jude 1:4 – “Spiritual Hippies”

| August 9, 2010

Some modern day “Christians” remind me of the hippies back in the 60’s and of the Gnostics of Jude 1:4. The hippies were right to emphasize love, but their application tended towards acceptance of sin and the rejection of authority. In defiance against violence, they reacted with violence. And amazingly, when the hippies of the 60’s get […]

Genesis 5 – Enoch

| May 7, 2010

Most men within history are famous for what they did. The annals of time record their accomplishments, heroics, inventions, or possibly their words. Seldom is someone remembered for what they did not do, and yet that is exactly why we remember Enoch. What didn’t Enoch do?