PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Simplifying the Thief on the Cross

| December 19, 2024

Simplifying the Thief on the Cross Forget for now that the thief lived and died under the Mosaical Law and Jesus’s Covenant didn’t become effective until after He died (Hebrews 9:16-28). Forget for now that we don’t know if the thief had been previously baptized by either John or Jesus’s apostles before he was captured […]

Luke 4:16 – WWJD; WDJD; WWJBD

| January 13, 2024

“What Would Jesus Do?” Good question. It asks what Jesus’ reaction would be.   To answer that question, we could ask, WDJD – What Did Jesus Do?   Add to that another good question that also would keep us on the right path – “What Would Jesus Be Doing?” Not all of life is a […]

How Does Divorce Fit Luke 16?

| October 13, 2023

How Does Divorce Fit into Luke 16? Luke 16 has what many difficult segments: • The parable of the “shrewd” manager is considered one of Jesus’s more difficult stories. • Verse 16, about entering the kingdom, is translated in seemingly opposite ways. • The story at the end concerning Lazarus and the rich man: Is […]

Luke 16 – What is Abraham’s Bosom?

| September 8, 2023

What is Abraham’s Bosom? Is “Abraham’s bosom” an intermediate place between heaven and earth; or is it in a personal, close, position to Abraham himself, proclaiming kinship? Is “Abraham’s bosom” a realm or describing being next to a person? (Luke 16:22-23). Abraham’s name is mentioned more in Luke, than any other NT book. One familiar […]

How Were the Apostles Exactly the Same?

| May 3, 2023

When Jesus chose apostles, he chose men who were the exact opposite of one another. Matthew being a tax collector, Simon the Zealot are often cited. Then the application is that churches should follow suit. Thinking outside that box….   Is there a deeper lesson though than recognizing how these Jews were not friends by […]

Is Including the Spirit Excluding the Water?

| January 21, 2023

A Pew Moments with Perry – Does Including the Spirit Exclude the Water? There are those who conclude water baptism can’t be for today based upon Jesus saying, “John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now” (Acts 1:5). Does Jesus including the Holy Spirit exclude […]

Luke 2 – Inn or Home?

| January 4, 2023

Inn or Home? No room at the inn? Or no room in the guest house? (Luke 2:7). The latter translation is most likely the correct one. And if so, think how much more of an indictment this is. An inn is a place of business. I’ve been turned away because there were no rooms left. […]

Jesus’s Edenic Birth

| January 4, 2023

Jesus’s Edenic Birth Luke records Jesus’s birth with two peculiarities: 1) It includes a manger, implying a stable and animals; 2) It includes shepherds being honored by angels announcing Jesus’s birth followed by them visiting. Since nothing included within holy writ is by accident or without purpose, I am forced to ask “Why these details?” […]

Luke 23 – The Gospel According to the Thief on the Cross

| January 4, 2023

The Gospel According to the Thief on the Cross When we look carefully at the text, we will see this repentant man believed much more than we might give him credit for knowing. How do we know what he believed? 1. From the thief’s statements. 2. From the statements of others said in unbelief, but […]

Luke 24:46 – Two Thoughts When We Suffer

| December 21, 2022

Two Thoughts When We Suffer As we congregationally study the problem of pain and suffering, and how the word of God shows what God is doing about it – and will continue to do – we are learning this is our preparatory work. By that I mean the problem of evil is not solved in […]