PHall | July 1, 2014
Parenting has taught me that the ability to necessarily infer improves as a child matures. They “get it” without having to be “told it.” So you would think that as we mature spiritually, our ability to necessarily infer would grow too. But I wonder if the ability to make excuses, find loopholes also grows, overshadowing […]
Category: Matthew |
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PHall | May 6, 2014
Man loves religious titles. Just saw last week a new one for me, “Boss Lady.” Jesus warned about religious titles (Matt.23:7-10), and man keeps inventing new ones. I don’t call anyone Reverend, and I challenge all to obey Jesus in not giving religious titles to anyone. We are all brothers, Jesus said. Today calling a […]
Category: Matthew |
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Tags: Denominationalism
PHall | April 26, 2014
In the desert, the Son of God fasts for 40 days. “God fasting;” if there is ever a more thought provoking and shocking statement, it would only be “God dying” (Acts 20.28). Those two thoughts are not totally unrelated. Fasting is death to self, want, and even death to need. Fasting is a type of […]
Category: Matthew, Luke |
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Tags: Fasting
PHall | April 17, 2014
Do people give excuses when doing what is right, or when feeling guilty and try to justify themselves to themselves and others? In the parable of the Talents (Mt.25:14-30), in the Greek, the righteous servants use 10 words to describe their obedience. The unrighteous servant uses 30. As translated in English (NASB; HCSB), both of […]
Category: Matthew |
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Tags: Parables
PHall | March 19, 2014
I’ve witnessed people not understand a lecture laughing, thinking the lecturer a bumbling fool. Other lecturers, when not understanding, they sat in awe thinking they were at the feet of a genius. What was the difference? The preconceived attitude toward the speaker. We all need to be honestly aware that our attitudes sway us more […]
Category: Matthew, Mark, Luke |
Comments Off on Matthew 13:57; Mark 6:4; Luke 4:24 – Homemade Prophets
PHall | January 8, 2014
The cold weather has me thinking about hell. The Bible uses differing images to describe hell, even ones that physically contradict such as eternal fire and outer darkness. The last phrase, “outer darkness” is more about physical separation from civility and lack of protection and spiritually separation from God. Being unprotected from the weather would […]
Category: Matthew |
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Tags: Hell
PHall | January 8, 2014
When looking at the heroes of faith such as Hezekiah, Abraham, David, and so on (Heb.1), it is not their perfect faith which gives us hope; it is their imperfect faith. They too are men and women with a nature like ours (Jms.5:17). When teaching of these heroes, don’t discourage people with perceived perfection, it […]
Category: Matthew, Luke |
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PHall | December 28, 2013
Jesus said, “But if you don’t forgive people, your Father will not forgive your wrongdoing (Mt 6:15).” If we forgive others only so that God will forgive us, then we are forgiving selfishly and not selflessly. We are not showing mercy to others knowing we do not deserve mercy, but showing mercy in order to […]
Category: Matthew |
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PHall | December 26, 2013
When reading God’s written word, do you see any denominations? If not, be non-denominational, not involved with denominations. If not, be un-denominational, the opposite of denominations. If not, be anti-denominational, against the concept and practice of denominations. If not, be pre-denominational, go back to the simplicity and purity of God’s written word.
Category: Matthew |
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Tags: Denominationalism
PHall | December 26, 2013
The Story of the Savior: 1. Jesus Self-Identified with the Unclean – In His Birth 2. Christ Socialized with Sinners – in His Life 3. Christ Scolded the Self-Righteous – in His Teaching 4. Christ Saves His Servants – in His Death 5. Christ Set Loose the Slave of Fear – in His Resurrection 6. […]
Category: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John |
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