PHall | November 8, 2012
“The Parable of the Bad Back” – Having to preach with a cane and in pain (again), I began, “A weak Christian is like a bad back. When you’re having trouble and in pain, you make many promises. At first you do the necessary things to keep yourself well and strong. Plus you are extra […]
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PHall | October 20, 2012
Micah means, “Who is like Yahweh?” The answer is “no one,” and that includes a surprise “Someone” “Who is like Yahweh” because He is Yahweh in the flesh. Jesus is “God with us” (Mt.1:23). Finding Jesus in Micah is easy because Matthew points the way: Matthew 2:6 (HCSB) And you, Bethlehem, in the land of […]
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Tags: Finding Jesus
PHall | October 9, 2012
Focusing on God’s attributes should not lead to a theoretical, impractical, ivory tower, sitting in the balcony Christianity. As seen in Paul (i.e., Romans, Colossians), theology precedes practical living as the foundation precedes the walls and roof. Today’s Christians want “how to” sermons and books with step by step instructions. “Give me books on finances, […]
Category: Matthew |
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Tags: Sermon on the Mount
PHall | October 8, 2012
Did you ever wonder why the Sermon on the Mount begins with these Beatitudes? Jesus could have said, “Blessed are those who are dead in sin, for they will be forgiven.” “Blessed are those who have no hope, for they will be given life.” “Blessed are those who have been defeated and beaten down, for […]
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PHall | September 27, 2012
Jesus is beginning more than a religious movement; He is laying the foundation for a righteous movement. Reaching backwards to Judaism and forwards to Christianity His words still move more than any others, transforming the way people think and act. Religious movements trying to transform Christianity often focus as much on forms as do those […]
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Tags: Sermon on the Mount
PHall | September 26, 2012
Religious people love impugning the Pharisees for three reasons. One, it is universally agreed that the Pharisees were wrong, which makes their denouncement both unanimous and safe. Two, the sins of the Pharisees are overtly obvious to us today, making them easy targets for denunciation. Three, never are we guilty of the same misguided attitudes, […]
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Tags: Sermon on the Mount
PHall | September 25, 2012
In the Sermon, Jesus specifically mentions the Pharisees once (Mt 5.20). Yet they are the unnamed religious “elephant in the room” lurking behind the most damning descriptions. “You have heard” (5.21,27,31,33,38,43) is about the Pharisees as teachers. Their opinionated applications became God’s law. “Hypocrites” (6.2,5,16; 7.5), people wearing “false faces,” is how Jesus describes their […]
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Tags: Sermon on the Mount
PHall | September 23, 2012
Implied within each Beatitude is the unnamed benefactor of blessing – God. Such an obvious point must be made to us believers; it is so easy to forget what is obvious, and to take for granted what we know is true. That God is our blessed benefactor can be seen in the beatitudes themselves, in […]
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Tags: Sermon on the Mount
PHall | September 11, 2012
Each day I mourn all my deathly sins. Today I mourn deaths caused from false religion. Today I mourn Bin Laden had to be assassinated for his crimes. For eternity God mourns Bin Laden has to be damned for sins. Today I mourn my sins are equal to Bin Laden’s. Blessed are those who mourn, […]
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Tags: Sermon on the Mount
PHall | August 29, 2012
Finally, and as a wrap-around to our first point, each of the eight blessed pronouncements is spiritual in nature. Our society, much like every society that is not the kingdom of God, values the opposites. Materialism is a danger to every person, even Christians. That is why even though beginning His sermon with “blessed are […]
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