PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Psalm 30 – Poem

| April 23, 2020

Thou will I glory, for lifting me up; rival, not over me, not my foes, triumph.   Yahweh God, I cried, Healed me from Sheol. Helped, raised, spared, death sighed. Pit, grave, survived soul.   Unto Yahweh sing Holy, holiness. Thou remembrance ring, Faithful saints of His.  

Praying through the Bible #19 – Genesis 32:24-32 – A Prayer of Victory in Defeat

| April 23, 2020

2 Kings 11 – But It’s My Day Off

| April 23, 2020

“Do Nothing Days”. That is what we called family days where everyone was off-duty. No chores, and especially no “mom-do stuff.” Hungry? Feed yourself. Some, and I won’t mention names, stayed in their pajamas all day. Then as a family, we had movie marathons. For the people of Israel, later called Jews, they had a […]

Praying through the Bible #18 – Genesis 32-33 – a Prayer of Prepared Dependence

| April 22, 2020

Praying through the Bible #17 – Genesis 29-30 – A Prayer of Lovelessness

| April 21, 2020

Praying through the Bible #16 – Genesis 28:10-22 – A Prayer of Hostage Taking

| April 20, 2020

Praying through the Bible #15 – Genesis 26:1-33 – A Prayer of Peace

| April 20, 2020

Praying through the Bible #10 – Genesis 20 – A Prayer of a Lying Prophet

| April 20, 2020

Praying through the Bible #13 – Genesis 24 – A Prayer of a Big Decision

| April 20, 2020

Praying through the Bible #12 – Genesis 22 – A Prayer of Sacrificial Fellowship

| April 20, 2020