PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Do Not Enter into the Ear Canal

| August 12, 2022

“Do not enter the canal of the ear.” That’s the “directions” on the box of “Q-Tips” (actually the generic version). That’s also one of the most ignored “instructions” ever! Why? Because sticking it into the ear canal works!   What does this have to do with spiritual things?   Many “misuse” the Bible because “misusing” […]

Kafka, Cain, and Cages

| August 9, 2022

Kafka wrote, “A cage went in search of a bird”. What did he mean? That’s debatable, but despite what he meant if he meant anything, I see a meaning behind this paradoxical aphorism: Humans crave the absurd. A cage is a prison. Sennacherib called Hezekiah “a caged bird” after his siege that ended in failure […]


| August 3, 2022

“Inspir-history” WARNING! I am about to make up a word! One reason I believe in inspiration – that the very words of the Bible are inspired – is because of “inspir-history”. Just as the words of the Bible are chosen by God, that same Bible shows God chosing to “inspire history” by breathing out His […]

The Mysterious Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

| August 2, 2022

The mysterious “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:9) has many secrets. One is, what kind of fruit? Tradition says “apple” but this is because the Latin for bad/evil and apple are homonyms and the Vulgate (a Latin translation) was at one time the most popular translation (Psst, the only fruit mentioned […]

Is Our Life Without Form and Empty?

| August 1, 2022

It is possible to overstate the place of water within God’s workings, and it is possible to understate it as well. However, an honest approach to scripture shows how intricate water is to God’s involvement in His dealings with His created physical reality. It begins in the beginning.   But before we go there, let’s […]

Judges 3 – Learn to Fight

| July 24, 2022

Learn to Fight The book of Judges teaches many expected, uncomfortable lessons such as we are often the source of our problems. However, an unexpected lesson I recently learned helps us deal with the problem of pain and suffering when it’s not our fault. Specifically, why does God allow us to go through difficult times? […]

“While We Stand and Sing”

| June 26, 2022

“While We Stand and Sing” At the end of the sermon, the preacher often asks the congregation to rise when singing the invitation song. When this tradition began, I don’t know. Possibly standing is just physical, giving everyone an opportunity to stretch after the…way to short sermon! Maybe it a psychological boost for those who […]

Have A Drink, Eve

| June 14, 2022

Proverbs 23:31-32 has a warning against drinking – “Don’t gaze at wine because it is red, because it gleams in the cup and goes down smoothly. In the end it bites like a snake and stings like a viper.” The wise man goes on and gives another warning in v.33 – “Your eyes will see […]

Silent and Listen – Same Letters!

| June 7, 2022

A friend pointed out that the words “listen” and “silent” have the same letters. That spelling coincidence is not useless trivia. Sometimes people are silent but don’t listen. Other times people are not silent and you can tell did not listen. “The one who gives an answer before he listens — this is foolishness and […]

God’s Paintings

| June 3, 2022

Words paint pictures. A picture might be worth a thousand words, unless it is God painting with words. Notice this verse from the Song of Moses:   “The water heaped up at the blast from your nostrils; the currents stood firm like a dam. The watery depths congealed in the heart of the sea.” (CSB’17 […]