PHall | October 15, 2009
This does not mean that Jesus succeeded Melchizedek, but rather that Jesus’ priesthood is like Melchizedek’s. To the early Jewish Christians, Jesus’ priesthood was problematic. Jesus fit the role of a legal king, because He was the descendant of David. However, being in the Davidic line removed Him from the Aaronic line. I believe here […]
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PHall | October 15, 2009
Often we think of the physical birth of Jesus as the only day He was begotten. That is not accurate. Paul quotes this Psalm (2) in (Acts 13:33) reference to the resurrection of Jesus. Contextually, that is when Jesus became enthroned as king. Here in Hebrews five, it refers to the same time period, but […]
Category: Acts, Hebrews, Psalms |
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PHall | October 15, 2009
“Herod the Great nominated no less than six high priests; Archelaus, two. The Roman legate Quirinius and his successors exercised the right of appointment, as did Agrippa I, Herod of Chalcis, and Agrippa II. Even the people occasionally elected candidates to the office. The high priests before the Exile were, it seems, appointed for life […]
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PHall | October 15, 2009
There has been a progression of thought proving Jesus is “better” than His predecessors. He has been proven better than the angels, better than Moses, and now better than Aaron will be next proved. Vv.1-4 – All High Priests Appointed by God Vv.5-10 – Jesus Appointed High Priest by God Vv.11-14 – Tangent: Grow Up […]
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PHall | October 15, 2009
Question – In understanding omniscience, an interesting question is, “Is Some Knowledge Only Obtained Empirically?” Is it possible the Father “cannot sympathize with our weaknesses” (Hebrews 4:15)? Jesus can because he experienced humanity and was “tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). Apparently there is a difference in knowledge in […]
Category: Luke, Hebrews, Philosophy |
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PHall | October 15, 2009
The word “Sabbath” means “rest,” not seventh.” The Greek term used here, sabbatizō does refer to the “7th” day, but rather the keeping of the rest. Keeping a rest is a paradoxical thought that fits well with the relationship of works and faith. “Christians often assume that the New Testament does not require God’s people […]
Category: Hebrews |
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PHall | October 15, 2009
One of the connections between chapters three and four unknown to us Gentiles is that while chapter four speaks about a Sabbath rest, chapter three quotes from Psalm 95 which was sung in the Temple on Shabbat and is still part of the Shabbat liturgy in the synagogue. Therefore it is natural for the author […]
Category: Hebrews, Psalms |
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PHall | October 15, 2009
In looking at the following gradations of the word phobeo (by Thayer), which shade of meaning best fits the context? 1) to put to flight by terrifying (to scare away) 1a) to put to flight, to flee 1b) to fear, be afraid 1b1) to be struck with fear, to be seized with alarm 1b1a) of […]
Category: Hebrews |
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PHall | October 15, 2009
It is important from both a psychological and spiritual point of view to tie these first century Messianic Jews back to their forefathers. Why? There is the negative connection, not entering the rest due to unbelief. But the positive is more than entering a rest. The positive is the connection between the rest offered before […]
Category: Hebrews |
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PHall | October 15, 2009
“Rabbi Eliezer said, “Repent one day before you die.” His talmidim objected, ‘Does one know in advance the day of one’s death?’ He replied, “All the more reason to repent today, lest you die tomorrow! In this way, your entire life will be one of repentance.’” (Shabbat 153a, via, Stern, Jewish New Testament Commentary, p.672)
Category: Hebrews |
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