PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.


| August 3, 2022

“Inspir-history” WARNING! I am about to make up a word! One reason I believe in inspiration – that the very words of the Bible are inspired – is because of “inspir-history”. Just as the words of the Bible are chosen by God, that same Bible shows God chosing to “inspire history” by breathing out His […]

Can We Trust the Bible as Our Authority

| October 7, 2021

Go to school, especially a humanities class in college, and you will hear the Bible ridiculed. A professor might even ask, “Why do believe in God?” Or, “Why do you think the Bible can be trusted as your authority?” Bluntly put, “Why are you a Christian?” Before giving your answer, listen to Peter’s rebuttal to […]

Bookends of Genesis

| January 30, 2019

Bookends of Genesis: The structure of Genesis can be simplified into two halves: 1-11; 12-50. The writer himself shows us this two-part division: • Genesis 1-11 “let us make man in our own image” (1:26); “let us go down there and confuse their language” (11:7) o “be fruitful and fill the earth” (1:28); “so the […]

Genesis 3, 12 and Beyond – From Curses to Blessings to Blessings

| October 25, 2012

By grace, the original curses become the fresh blessings and then more wondrous than physically imaginable. What is happening in Genesis 12 when God makes promises to Abraham in this new beginning? Do the curses of Genesis 3 and the blessings of Genesis 12 have anything in common? Often the curses are divided into three […]

1 Samuel 1; Luke 1 – Samuel and John the Baptist

| August 8, 2011

When we compare Samuel and John the Baptist’s narratives, we find remarkable similarities. Such are giant coincidences or grand conspiracies, or what they truly are – marks of inspiration and divine authenticity. Tribe of Levi (1 Chron.6.22-28; Lk.1.5) Wife Barren (1 Sam.1.2; Lk.1.7) House of God – Tabernacle and Temple (1 Sam.1.7; Lk.1.9) Prayer for […]

2 Timothy 3:16 – Inspiration or Out-Spiration

| September 24, 2009

Breathe in, breathe out.  There…I have defined, illustrated and explained inspiration.  For some reason though, I think a further and definitely deeper explanation is needed and useful.  As words literally cannot be said without the breath of life, divine inspiration is the breath of spiritual life.  But I dare not say that such a study […]