PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Perryism – It is not what we obey that saves, but who we obey.

| June 21, 2013

Perryism – In the garden, the first Adam is cursed to eat his bread by the sweat of his brow; the second Adam is cursed and is our bread as His sweat became like drops of blood in the garden.

| June 19, 2013

Perryism – The only places not to look when praying is down on others and up at yourself.

| June 17, 2013

Perryism – The Bible is a revelation from God to us of what we are; and a revelation to ourselves of what we choose to be.

| June 3, 2013

Perryism – Descartes said, “I think therefore I am.” Kierkegaard said, “I am therefore I think.” Every husband thinks, “I know I am about to get into trouble again for what I said.”

| May 30, 2013

Perryism – Better to be the first person people want to tell, than the last person they want to know.

| May 30, 2013

Perryism – If a mission is aborted, that means it began. If a child is aborted, that child began.

| May 30, 2013

Perryism – Preaching is like a Rorschach test: People hear what they want to hear.

| May 30, 2013

Based upon something LL Cool J said. “Music is like a Rorschach test: People hear what they want to hear” concerning the song, “Accidental Racist” the duet he did with Brad Paisley.

Perryism – To find happiness in marriage both need to not pursue their own happiness and then each will find happiness.

| May 15, 2013

Perryism – Schools teach evolution is the survival of the strongest preying off of the weak and then punish kids for bullying which is the survival of the strongest preying off of the weak.

| May 2, 2013