PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

Perryism – Everyone cannot have the last word; even God finally stopped talking.

| August 13, 2012

Perryism – Don’t use Paul to interpret Jesus. Use Jesus to interpret Paul.

| August 8, 2012

Think about it, if Jesus is the master, and the master teacher, isn’t the master greater than the student? Not saying that Paul’s inspired words are inferior, they are equally the word of God. But sometimes it seems theologians rely more on Paul than on Jesus.

Perryism – The problem with the log in your eye is that it pokes a hole in your brain.

| August 6, 2012

Perryism – Too often we start to wrongly interpret the word of God when the word of God starts to rightly interpret us.

| August 6, 2012

Perryism – Spiritually modern man is much like modern man driving a car – few admit when they are lost.

| August 1, 2012

Perryism – In mixing and matching colors some work better than others, but in humans all colors match and mix equally well.

| July 26, 2012

Perryism – Living contrary to the word of God is as damaging to His message as changing the word of God.

| July 25, 2012

Perryism – Self-control is not needed when we want to obey which is why we need self-control.

| July 21, 2012

Perryism – When people say, “Did you hear…?” there’s a good chance they shouldn’t say.

| July 20, 2012

Perryism – Saving faith is not found in what I do, but in Him who tells me what I must do.

| July 16, 2012