PerryDox – BeJustAChristian

Biblical truth standing on its spiritual head to get our eternal attention.

1 Samuel 10 – Praying through the Bible #88 – A Prayer of Hide and Seek

| September 11, 2013

“Hide and Seek” is a game I greatly enjoyed playing with my daughters. Rachel was an excellent hider, silent and still. She would lay flat on the dining room chair hidden by the table cloth. Ashley giggled so much and shook while giggling she was easy to find. But she made a great tattle-tale in […]

1 Samuel 8 – Praying through the Bible #87 – A Prayer Against Rejection

| September 9, 2013

God’s people are like little children before Christmas, sneaking down to open their presents before Christmas morning; and breaking them way before they are even supposed to be opened. A toddler might get away with it because they are cute; but cuteness stops helping most of us way too soon. Scripture is filled with people […]

1 Samuel 7:2-14 – Praying through the Bible #86 – A Prayer of Ebenezer

| September 7, 2013

Hear the word “Ebenezer” and our minds drift back to Dickens’s classic, “A Christmas Carol.” Being a literary genius, no doubt the name Ebenezer Scrooge was chosen meaningfully. Scrooge is a variation of an obscure English verb: “to scrouge” meaning “to squeeze” or “to press.” Scrooge pinched his pennies tightly and pressed heavily the poor. […]

1 Samuel 5 – Praying through the Bible #85 – A Prayer of Believing Unbelievers

| September 5, 2013

What do normal, non-religious people have in common with pagan polytheists of 3000 years ago? The following story is touched by God’s unique humor. Israel treats God’s Ark of the Covenant like a graven image, a common idol. After Yahweh refuses them victory, they scheme like pagans: “Let’s bring the ark of the LORD’s covenant […]

1 Samuel 3:1-10 – Praying through the Bible #84 – A Prayer that Listens

| September 3, 2013

  Listening is a lost art, a lost courtesy, a lost tool for self-improvement, and a lost Bible study method. If we do not listen, we will be lost eternally. Too often when others talk, we are thinking what to say, ready to protect ourselves or defeat them. Too many suffer numbness of the ears; […]

1 Samuel 2:1-10 – Praying through the Bible #83 – A Prayer that Humbly Boasts

| September 2, 2013

Prayer leads to prayer when prayer ends in fulfillment. That is, unless we forget to give thanksgiving, or forget what we had prayed. I wonder how many heavenly requests we actually remember. Of course, some are so “big” they could never be forgotten. And, some are so selfish we are embarrassed upon reflection. Hannah prayed […]

1 Samuel 1 – Praying through the Bible #82 – A Prayer of Emptiness and Dedication

| August 30, 2013

There is an emptiness that consumes. When this emptiness is God absent, we can hunger and thirst after righteousness and be filled. When an unhealthy emptiness is like a black hole, it swallows everything around it into non-existence. Sometimes the pressure is self-inflicted, at times forced on us by family; even society can be guilty […]

Ruth 1:16-17 – Praying through the Bible #81 – A Prayer that is a Family Promise

| August 29, 2013

Did you hear the joke about the mother-in-law? Apparently, neither did Ruth. In the little book bearing her name, there are no recorded prayers; but there is a prayer-like promise invoking God’s name. The story of Ruth is not about Ruth. The focus is not a love story between the progenitors of David, Ruth and […]

Judges 21 – Praying through the Bible #80 – A Prayer that is Ignored

| August 28, 2013

Does God ever ignore prayers? Get ready to shake your head in disbelief at how quickly stupidity catches up to those living a repeating cycle of self-made idiocy by doing what is right in their own eyes (Judges 21.25). Righteousness and rage, vengeance and vows make for unpredictable results and unthought-of realities. Israel is rightfully […]

Judges 19-20 – Praying through the Bible #79 – A Prayer of Mutual Destruction

| August 27, 2013

In the 70’s, the United States and the Soviet Union got MAD. They formed a treaty of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD). Armed with nuclear weapons, each nation could completely destroy the other. In war, there would be no victory, no peace, just retaliation and annihilation. Oddly, the goal was peace. Oddly, this reminds me of […]