1 Corinthians 14:20 – Growing Up
Growing up, I believed a lot of things I have since discovered were not as factual as I once thought. Growing up I believed:
- Swallowing gum would stay in your stomach 7 years.
- Scratching a scab repeatedly would turn it cancerous.
- Parsley put on plates at restaurants was poisonous.
- My great grandmother was mute because Indians had cut out her tongue.
If polled, all grownups would admit believing some childish untruths. As grownups, we can laugh at our malformed beliefs even looking back and discovering why we believed such silly stories. Pranks, vivid imaginations, intentions whether virtuous or malevolent, misinformed our impressionable minds. Possibly we are ignorant as to why we believed. And sometimes we believed what others taught us because they were simply wrong themselves, yet we trusted them.
As grownups, we can accept our mistakes as simply silly. As marks of immaturity. As naivety. As innocent.
Here’s where we make the application – Why can we accept our childish mistaken beliefs and not be insulted, but we cannot accept our mistaken religious beliefs without getting upset?
1 Corinthians 14:20 – Brethren, do not be children in your thinking; yet in evil be infants, but in your thinking be mature.
Maybe the next time we discover we are biblically misinformed, we can correct ourselves and laughingly say, “I can’t believe I believed that!” Maybe the next time we can all act like grownups.